Record. Replay. Fix.
Record. Replay. Fix.

Replay is the only browser that lets you record and retroactively debug your application. Fix the hardest issues as a team and take control of your support process and test suite.

Travel Back in Time

Replay is a next-generation time travel debugger. With low overhead, the browser records just enough so it can be replayed exactly and inspected down to the finest detail.

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Stop reproducing bugs

Say goodbye to screenshots, videos, and repro steps. Recording a bug with Replay lets anyone debug it as if it happened on their own machine.

Support your users with ease

Bugs reported by QA and users with Replay are fully actionable and quickly understood by developers. Never close issues again for a lack of information.

Fix all your flaky tests

Debugging a flaky test failure with Replay is just as easy as any other bug. Stop struggling to understand these failures, or suppressing tests because they don’t pass reliably.

Deploy with confidence

Building a thorough and rock solid test suite is easy with Replay and really hard without it. This lets you deploy whenever you want and catch more issues before they hit users.

Debug test failures remotely

With Replay you can directly debug test failures that happened in CI as if they happened on your own machine. There is no need to locally reproduce the failure, or pore over logs or videos.

Modernize your test suite

Replay is easy to integrate with any test suite regardless of its framework. Get the best debugging experience in the world without rewriting any of your tests.

Zero in on the root cause

Replay DevTools is the debugging experience you've always wanted, but never believed was possible. Trace any problem directly back to its root cause, no matter how complex or timing sensitive.

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Whether you’re using context, state, or hooks, Replay gives you the tools to inspect your components and see why they rendered.

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Adding console logs is as simple as clicking on a line of code and adding an expression.

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With built-in support for Cypress and Playwright, you can jump to steps and into your application event handlers.

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When you start jumping to Console logs, React events, and Redux actions, you become a time traveler.

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Inspect UI elements, Network events, Console logs, Call Stacks, and Scopes at any point in time.

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Enterprise grade

Designed with enterprise grade security, reliability, and privacy controls from the start because earning your trust is our top priority.


SOC2 Type II reporting continuously monitors and reports primarily using System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type 2.

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Encryption in transit and at rest databases and their client communications are AES encrypted throughout the PlanetScale platform.

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SAML / SSO supports single sign-on via Google SAML 2.0, Multi Factor Authentication, and automated account provisioning.

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without your explicit permission.

  • Private by default

  • Enterprise grade security

  • Org and team level permissions

  • Restrict recordings by domain

  • Bring your own bucket’s recorder is designed to be runtime and platform agnostic.

  • Firefox for Mac, Windows, Linux

  • Chrome for Linux

  • Chrome for Mac and Windows in progress

  • Major CI environments

  • Node for Mac, and Linux in beta.

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, a replay is worth a thousand pictures”

Zack Rosen's avatar

Zack Rosen

CEO, pantheonPantheon

“ is the most significant leap forward for debugging since we introduced the step debugger”

Kenneth Auchenberg's avatar

Kenneth Auchenberg

Developer Products, StripeStripe

“Next.js App Router is now stable in 13.4. Wouldn’t have been possible without Replay, we investigated so many (over 20) super complicated bugs that using traditional debugging would have cost us days to investigate.”

Tim Neutkins's avatar

Tim Neutkins

Co-author of Next.js

“I think Replay has a very good chance of creating a new category around collaborative debugging”

Guillermo Rauch's avatar

Guillermo Rauch

CEO, Vercel

“ is one of these experiences that first feels like magic – but after squashing your first bugs with it, you will quickly wonder how you ever worked without it”

Harald Kirschner's avatar

Harald Kirschner

Product Manager, vscodeVS Code

“Recording and debugging flaky tests with feels like hopping in Doc Brown’s DeLorean and flying back to the time of the crash!”

Gleb Bahmutov's avatar

Gleb Bahmutov

Distinguished Engineer, cypressCypress

“Before, we spent somewhere between 1–2 hours per day per dev in this reproducibility purgatory”

Mark Probst's avatar

Mark Probst

CTO, cypressGlide apps

“With, we no longer need to drop everything to fix the issue because we have the replay so the bug is reproduced forever.”

Simeon Cheeseman's avatar

Simeon Cheeseman

Principal Engineer, tablecheckTablecheck

“ is a huge improvement in state-of-the-art debugging that's easy to use. It's worth your time to get familiar with it ASAP.”

Tim Haines's avatar

Tim Haines

Founder, PercyPercy